Saturday, 26 September 2015

Creative Response to Syrian Need

As part of their CSPE Action Project, Form 3 pupils, (3W) are promoting a collection for the Syrian refugees.  They have put together a very thoughtful, organised plan that will enable every pupil in the school to make a small, manageable contribution to the campaign, if they should wish to do so. 

Their plan is that each year group might donate one type of essential item from a year-specific list, and each pupil might donate a single item; a candle, a toothbrush etc.
There is a collection point right beside the entrance to the Reynold's Hall, opposite reception. Just pop the item you have brought into the box supplied.  

Form 4 pupils studying photography were also moved to respond to the Syrian Crisis in an imaginative way. By making word photographs, the pupils are cleverly expressing how they feel about the issue.

And our closest primary school neighbours, Zion Parish National School, have been so touched by the death of the two little Syrian boys, Aylan and Galip Kurdi, washed up on the Turkish shore, that their pupils will dress like the children on Wednesday, 30 September, wearing red clothes to school, in a simple act of childhood solidarity. It seems that young and old in the community, have been deeply touched by the humanitarian crisis unfolding in Europe.

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