Wednesday 8 May 2024

Toilet Twinning Project

On Friday 19 April, The High School Dublin Parents Association presented a cheque for €280 to the Student Council, marking the end of several months of fundraising for a charity called Toilet Twinning. Funds have been raised in The High School and by the Parents Association this year for Toilet Twinning, a charity that builds safe, sustainable, and clean toilets for families living in extreme poverty. Working with Toilet Twinning, who are partnered with Tearfund Ireland and Cord, we will now be able to 'toilet twin' eleven toilets in our school with other toilets across the world. This means that our toilets are linked to modern and hygienic latrines across the globe, connecting our school to the global community and opening doors for a new wave of understanding for pupils, staff, and visitors to The High School. Our twinned toilets will now have framed pictures of our international toilet twins outside their doors, along with pictures of our twins and GPS coordinates included so we can locate them on Google Maps! Soon, student and staff toilets at HSD will be twinned with latrines in Mozambique, Nigeria, Pakistan Malawi Nepal Zimbabwe Zambia Uganda Tanzania Côte d'Ivoire and the Democratic Republic of Congo. Together as a community we have raised just over €1,000 for Toilet Twinning!

Raising awareness about Toilet Twinning at school these past few months has been a real labour of love for me personally. I discovered this charity during a Model United Nations trip to London in October 2023; I was struck by how original and ultimately fun its concept was. I couldn't shake off the idea and brought it up at a Student Council meeting where many others also liked it. After obtaining permissions from various individuals going through bureaucratic channels presenting an informative video about Toilet Twinning during assembly we organized a non-uniform day on February 9th to raise funds for this cause. Shortly after that generous offer came from Parents Association offering donation too.
I would like to express my gratitude towards every student teacher in school all members of Parents Association who helped spread awareness about Toilet Twinning donated on non-uniform days supported this project. Thanks to our cooperation as community we made significant difference improving lives families worldwide making sanitation safer.
If you are interested in learning more about or making a donation to Toilet Twinning for your own loos as home, please visit
Leo Shorten

Friday 3 May 2024

Mental Health Week

As we approach Mental Health Week, it is essential to recognize the significance of this event. Now more than ever, the spotlight on mental health education and inclusivity is crucial.

This week provides a platform for breaking down stigmas and improving our understanding. By raising awareness and encouraging education, we empower individuals to recognize their mental well-being and support others.

Mental Health Week isn't just about acknowledging the challenges but celebrating resilience, courage, and the journey toward wellness. It's a reminder that mental health is a fundamental aspect of our overall well-being, deserving attention, care, and understanding.

This year, we are excited to focus on four core values: connection, awareness, curiosity, and generosity. Each day of the week will be dedicated to exploring and embodying these values.

Tuesday: Connection

On the first day let's prioritize building connections with ourselves and others. Whether through meaningful conversations or acts of kindness or shared experiences.

Wednesday: Awareness

Day two encourages us to be aware of our thoughts, feelings, surroundings. We will host The Evening of Memory and Reflection which will provide an opportunity to honor those who have passed away.

Thursday: Curiosity

Curiosity fuels growth and learning. Today let's approach our experiences with open minds sense wonder Let's explore new hobbies challenge ourselves try something different embrace joy discovery.

Friday: Generosity

Generosity comes in many forms from offering support those in need practicing self-compassion Today let's express kindness generosity towards ourselves others Small gestures can make big difference someone's day."

Saturday: Darkness Into Light

Pieta is largest suicide bereavement support service Ireland Every year Pieta offers vital long-term support over 600 families This counseling also available person via phone video.
Elisa MacGabhann

Friday 26 April 2024

Junior Drama Success!


"My Dinner with Jeffrey" is a particularly special play written by two Form 5 pupils at The High School: Leo Shorten and Max Lyons. The play features an array of bizarre and comical characters, from a formidable mafia boss to a slightly eccentric Antarctician potato seller, who arrive at Jeffrey Mallet’s dinner party. However, the party takes a turn for the worse when murder strikes, leading the eclectic mix of characters to scuffle over the murder of a fellow party-goer as each had grounds to be a suspect.

The aptitude and finesse of this year's cast made the play stand out. The capabilities of both older and younger pupils, along with the strong affinity between cast members, were palpable and impressive for the audience. Enormous effort was put into ensuring that the production ran smoothly: Ms Browne and Ms Forder, responsible for directing the play, dedicated significant work to structuring rehearsals, managing props efficiently, and handling various other aspects. The remarkable application and enthusiasm from the backstage crew added to an exciting and enjoyable collaborative experience.

The flair and talent displayed by this year's cast in "My Dinner with Jeffrey" Junior Drama production were particularly special. The dedication and zeal shown by those involved in directing alongside backstage support were truly impressive. Overall, producing this play proved to be an exciting and satisfying experience. When asked about their writing experience for the play, both writers expressed their happiness with the final product due to all the hard work invested by both cast and crew paying off well. They mentioned having fun during its creation process while hoping that everyone involved also enjoyed making it as much as watching it.
Olivia Leonard

The High School MUN Triumph


On 13 and 14 April, 150 pupils from fourteen schools were welcomed to The High School to participate in our second annual Model United Nations Conference. Model United Nations, or as we often refer to it, MUN, involves each school being assigned a country and each pupil debating topics, representing that country. At our conference we had seven committee rooms, ranging from Security Council to Health and Youth, Disarmament and Security to Social Cultural and Humanitarian. We also had a Historical Committee, which debated topics such as the Iranian Hostage Crisis and the Soviet Blockade of Berlin. MUN is a fantastic opportunity for pupils to learn how to collaborate and compromise to solve some of the biggest issues that face our world, such as Nuclear Energy, Terrorism, and the Role of Social Media.  

For our opening ceremony we managed to get a special guest, Ivana Bacik TD, to share her wisdom on the importance of involvement in political affairs. The inspirational speech set the tone for a very productive weekend of debating. The debating was at an extraordinary standard and every delegate was well-prepared on the range of topics we were debating. Although it was an event discussing serious issues, plenty of fun was also had with our in house magazine and joke awards for "best dressed" and "best ship"! 

On Saturday we had a General Assembly which allowed all the attendees to show off the knowledge they had gathered over the weekend and find out what had happened in the other committee rooms. At General Assembly we debated a range of topics such as Soil Degradation, Vaccine Supply and Uptake, and Piracy in International Waters. As is customary, we concluded the conference with prizegiving, which was exceptionally difficult due to the excellent participation of all attendees. The conference was closed in classic MUN style, with the bang of a gavel, signifying the end to another fantastic weekend.  

This conference was a fantastic end to a busy year of Model United Nations. All the pupils and teachers who attended had a fantastic time and we are all looking forward to next year! 
Ciara Morton

Feis Ceoil Champions

On 20 March The High School Orchestra participated in the Post-Primary Orchestra competition at the Feis Ceoil, a national music competition celebrating its 128th year. We presented a diverse repertoire of beautiful and challenging pieces: "Norwegian Dance No.3" by Edvard Grieg, "Nimrod" from the Enigma Variations by Edward Elgar, and the Theme from E.T. by John Williams. Each piece stood out uniquely: Grieg's composition was lively with a fast-paced and upbeat tempo, while Nimrod was characterized by its slow, harmonious, and expressive nature. The Theme from E.T., on the other hand, was uplifting and exhilarating to perform.

In preparation for the competition, we dedicated our Thursdays to rehearsals leading up to the event and intensified our practice during the week preceding Feis Ceoil. When our performance time arrived we gave it our all. Despite uncertainty about how we fared compared to other schools' performances, upon hearing the results announced, we were thrilled to discover that we emerged victorious! This marks The High School's third successive triumph in recent years at this prestigious competition.

The success is attributed to everyone's hard work and dedication within the orchestra: it truly paid off. Our special thanks go to Ms Hayes and Ms Bourke for their invaluable support throughout this journey.  The High School Orchestra performed at the Feis Ceoil Prizewinners' Gala Concert on the main stage at The National Concert Hall on Wednesday 17 April.
Michael Binchy

Monday 22 April 2024

Gaisce Hike

Over the past year I have been participating in the Gaisce President's Award. As part of this myself and the others taking part completed the venture part of this award. The requirements were that we completed a hike of a significant distance and difficulty, and cooked for ourselves within a hostel environment.

On Thursday 11 April we went home and came back to school for 5.45 pm after a quick meal and a (in my case frantic) flurry of packing. Gear was checked, bags were loaded and we headed off to do our shopping at a local shopping centre. Ingredients bought and all students accounted for the second leg began. We stayed at the Glendalough international youth hostel (one I would definitely recommend) and got our rooms assigned. When the rules of the hostel were gone through there was one that really stuck out to me, it read: Don't mess with our goat. Apparently a not so friendly goat has taken up residence in the area surrounding the hostel and is hostile when provoked (like us all).

The next morning we had a choice between a cooked or a continental breakfast and headed off after we had finished and packed for the day. We started walking at around 10.30 am, and after a while on paved ground the path gave way to more challenging terrain. When we stopped for lunch we were all significantly more muddy and tired. The hike continued up into even more mud, at which point the fog closed in. I remember hearing shrieks of laughter in the distance as more and more people skipped and slid down the mountain.

In tip-top shape we entered into the last leg of the hike. By this point we were all exhausted and ready for home so when we finally finished sighs of relief were heard all around. After all of this we still faced into the final part of this challenge, and in hostel conditions this was just that: a challenge. My group shared a pasta dish and split the cooking and washing up. That evening we also got the opportunity to look at the stars from the Glendalough Lake. They were absolutely stunning. The next morning we all loaded our kit back onto the bus and headed back to school.
Isobel Kearney

Form 5 Agricultural Science

Last month, pupils in Form 5 studying Agricultural Science visited the farming marts and UCD research farm. We met at 8.00 am that morning to have a class and then left on the bus an hour later. We arrived at the mart in Kilcullen Co Kildare and were told some about some of the abbreviations of breeds and other information that would be given about the animals on the board such as weight and age. We also were told about the bidding process and allowed to pop behind the announcer’s desk. We then sat back and watched as the cows were sold and brought in and out of the ring. It was eye opening to see behind-the-scenes activities which helped us learn about cattle breeds through first-hand experience.

After visiting the mart, we drove another few minutes to the UCD research farm. We were given boot covers and then promptly started our tour. We got to see so many lambs, some just hours old. Everyone loved them, it was possibly one of the best parts of our tour. They explained the lambing process while discussing sheep qualities essential for farms' operations. Additionally, we observed milking technology demonstrations, saw cows awaiting milking, encountered a calf up close, and learned about cow outputs including year-round milk production capabilities.

Next on our tour was we explored various aspects of farm operations like new drone technology expected in upcoming years along with insights into machinery functionalities such as combine harvesters.  Safety protocols were emphasized during Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) demonstrations with quizzes focusing on farm safety rules highlighting potential hazards.

In the equestrian area of the farm pupils engaged with horses to understand their anatomy, focusing on the importance of hooves and the significance of horseshoes. Discussions revolved around different crop values encompassing oats, rice varieties, and various seeds types presented to us. A pupil shared findings from an experiment comparing different grasses ranging from red clover to perennial rye plants. At day's end a presentation was followed by distribution of goodie bags before boarding buses. The day concluded with quizzes reflecting educational experiences gained throughout this enriching field trip when we returned to school by 5.00 pm.
Saoirse Reilly

Wednesday 6 March 2024

World Book Day

On this World Book Day, I have never been more grateful to have books in my life.  Reading, in all its forms, has a multitude of benefits to enhance our lives.  In terms of academics, research shows how incredible it is for expanding vocabulary and intellectual growth.  Personally, I believe there is nothing more joyful than escaping into the pages of a captivating read and immersing myself in the life of someone so different from me.  Reading brings joy through many facets, from gaining new insights into the world to reducing stress and fuelling our imagination.  The book community is welcoming through apps such as Goodreads and even on social media where book influencers provide ample inspiration.  It has never been easier to get started with reading; you can pick up a book for free from the school library, download books onto your phone, or listen to eBooks on the way home.  Reading is a fantastic option to turn away from the negativity often associated with other forms of digital entertainment but just as simple to get started with!  This World Book Day, I urge you to start a conversation about your favourite book or learn about an exciting new author.  Most importantly, open a book and discover or rediscover the joy of getting lost in a story!

Ciara Morton

Friday 23 February 2024

Paris in the Spring - Form 5 Tour

As twenty bleary eyed pupils took our first steps out of the plane, the crisp morning air of Paris awakened us like a new beginning, an adventure.  

Our first stop on our travels was the ‘Stade de France’. You could feel the electricity, the excitement felt by those who had once played there. With its high roof and multitude of seats, it was an exciting start to our trip as we saw the preparations underway for the Olympics. 

As night approached, we embarked on a boat tour of the Seine.  Although tired, we were soon awakened by the breath-taking views.  Speechlessly we stood, taking it all in. ‘Paris, the city of light’: it all was making sense now.  The yellow lights reflected against the water, like a whole new city; the moonlight casting a warm glow.  The colours of the buildings were remarkable, the cool earthy tones of the stone, the rain splattering across the pavement, like paint to a canvas.  

As we reluctantly made our way back to our hostel we were interrupted, the Eiffel tower, in all its glory, stood just at our feet.  The sheer scale was unfathomable, its orange and yellow light brightened our pathway home, inviting us in and then, to our surprise, the lights began to twinkle.  This occurs every hour, on the hour.  The light reflected in the smiles on each of our faces.  This was such a special way to begin our trip.  

As the morning light seeped its way through our hostel window, we began our second day in Paris.  One after another, like ants in a line, we explored the streets of Montmartre.  Walking on the steep, winding cobblestoned streets, our legs were beginning to tire.  However, the bright, white church of Sacré-Coeur could be seen in the horizon and kept us going.  The view of Paris, once we reached the top, was like no other and worth the walk.  

After a bite to eat, we began a once in the lifetime opportunity to view beautiful Paris from the top of the Eiffel tower.  We stood expectantly, waiting in line for our turn to go.  As the lift began to take off our stomachs drops, and nerves began to set in.  As the lift doors opened, we were hit with a strong gush of cold wind.  We stood one foot then the next and began to make our way to the edge.  Peering cautiously over the railing, the view was incredible.  The buildings which had seemed huge were now just small parts of the big picture.  The cars looked like toy cars, and the people who we once were just a day ago, gazing up at the Eiffel tower, were tiny.  

The following day we visited the historic Catacombs.  Here lie the skeletons of nearly six million people.  The dark long tunnel made the hairs on the back of our necks stand on end. 

Shortly afterwards, we visited Musée d’Orsay.  This experience was particularly fascinating for those of us who study Leaving Certificate Art.  The beautiful gallery with its high ceilings and bright natural lighting was remarkable, to finally seeing the paintings we had spent so long studying in class, in front of our eyes. The details of the brush work and the effect the museum lighting had on each piece was like no other. This experience really stood out to me and others alike. 

After the art gallery we skipped the long queues at Angelina’s and went for delicious, thick, hot chocolates at a nearby café instead.  It was a great opportunity to practice our French when ordering. C’est magnifique!  

For our last evening, our teachers warned us to be prepared for a long walk to get to the restaurant for our final dinner. We were happy to discover that they were joking, and it was in the restaurant next door. This meal was the best dinner of the trip! We were then treated to Parisian crepes to celebrate pancake Tuesday.  

On the morning of our last day there was a feeling of sadness hanging above us all, like a raincloud warning of a storm.  We visited the beautiful palace of Versailles. Its gold details and painted ceilings brightened our spirits.   

As we returned to Ireland, we were sad.  However, we knew we had made memories to last a lifetime.  A big thank you to our amazing teachers who organised the visit.  À bientôt! 

Rosa Bell-Megaw 

Friday 9 February 2024

Senior Cup Moments

The High School senior rugby team painted a red and black swath as they advanced across the pitch in the first moments of the Senior Cup fixture against Blackrock College, the supporters’ screams ringing in their ears.  The drum thundered like a battle cry, and so began the clash.  Each time they met was a rolling, scrambling scuffle of bodies. 

The frantic scrabble for purchase and then that moment, when the noise drowned away and a lone figure emerged hurtling across the grass. Nothing could stop him now as he weaved past the wall of bodies, ducking outstretched hands like tree limbs.  Elliot Walsh threw himself over the try line with the Blackrock boys still pounding at his heels, and the roar from the crowd shook the heavens.  All the concerts in the world couldn’t match the energy of The High School in that moment.  
For eighty minutes on that Friday afternoon, it felt like the ground was shaking with the pounding of feet, the thundering of frantic fists against the railings, the hoarse cries of supporters as the ball hurtled back and forth. No snapshot can capture the whipping frenzy of movement, those deafening waves of voices rolling back and forth in call and response.  The whole school filled the stands that day.  This time was special. After weeks of mounting excitement, hard-fought win after win, a slow ascent all bringing us closer to this.  When the crowd were quiet, it seemed even the birds took up the silence, and when we roared, the sky itself couldn’t hold us. 
First half faded to second, and new faces entered the fray. The team gave it their all and fought to the last minute.  When the final whistle blew, and the score was set, all that was left to greet them were the smiles and cheers of their friends pouring out from the stands.  Among the cheers and the hugs in those final moments, we all knew this was a day that would go down in High School history.
Luca Farrelly

Happy New Lunar Year!

Chinese New Year, also known as Lunar New Year or Spring Festival, is a high-spirited celebration deeply ingrained in Chinese culture, marking the beginning of the lunar calendar year.  Lasting for roughly two weeks, the festivities are rich in symbolism and tradition, creating a sense of unity and renewal among families and communities.  The New Year is associated with one of the twelve animals in the Chinese zodiac cycle with 2024 being the Year of the Dragon. 

People embrace this symbolism, ascribing personality traits and predictions to individuals born in specific years. This aspect adds a room of excitement and anticipation as families gather to share stories, exchange well-wishes, and partake of delectable feasts.  Food holds a special place during Chinese New Year, with traditional dishes symbolizing luck, prosperity, and abundance. 
Dumplings, representing wealth due to their resemblance to ancient Chinese ingots, are a staple on the dinner table.  Nian Gao, a sticky rice cake, symbolizes growth, progress, and achieving new heights in the coming year.  Fish, served whole, symbolizes surplus and prosperity, with the Cantonese phrase for fish sounding like "surplus" or "extra."  These culinary delights are shared among loved ones as part of the reunion dinner, a cherished tradition held on New Year's Eve, symbolizing family unity and prosperity for the year ahead. 
Throughout Chinese New Year, customs and rituals abound, each with its own significance and symbolism. Red decorations adorn homes and streets, believed to ward off evil spirits and bring good fortune.  Fireworks and firecrackers are set off to create deafening noise and vibrant displays, driving away negative energy and welcoming the new year with optimism.  The exchange of red envelopes, or "Hongbao," filled with money, is a gesture of goodwill and blessings, particularly towards children and younger relatives. 
Family visits, known as "bai nian," involve paying respects to elders, exchanging well-wishes, and strengthening bonds, reinforcing the importance of kinship and tradition during this wonderful time.  Overall, Chinese New Year is a cultural time of year filled with warmth, symbolism, and the promise of new beginnings. 
Jun Wei Sui

Thursday 8 February 2024

Breaking Barriers: High School's Senior Girls Rugby Cup Match

Our senior girl's rugby team made history this week by competing in our first-ever 12-a-side cup match against Our Lady of Mercy College Beaumont. Not only did we showcase our skills and determination on home turf, but we emerged victorious, securing a place in the semi-finals. The final score was 47-10 . 

The journey to this momentous occasion has been one filled with dedication, hard work, and a true sense of team spirit. Our girls have been training relentlessly, working on their skills, and pushing their limits to prepare for this match. As we stepped onto the field, we carried with us the weight of representing not just our school, but also breaking new ground in representing the school in senior girls' rugby. 

The atmosphere on the day of the match was electric, with a huge number of the school community rallying behind our team. Friends, family, teachers, and fellow students came out in full force to show their support, painting the sidelines in our school colours and cheering on our players with unwavering enthusiasm. It was a moment of unity and pride as we stood together, witnessing history in the making. 

But it was on the field where our girls truly shone. With skilful plays, strategic manoeuvres, unwavering determination and great coaching we dominated the game particularly in the second half. We worked extremely well as a team, while every girl had the opportunity to show their individual skills. A special mention for Maya Neely with her phenomenal conversions!! We also want to say a big thank you our coaches, Mr Sullivan, Ms Garland and Ava for all their time and support that have brought us to this level. 

Our achievement goes beyond the score line, it symbolises breaking barriers, challenging stereotypes, and paving the way for future generations in The High school. 

We couldn't be prouder of our girls and their incredible accomplishment. Their victory is a testament to the power of teamwork, perseverance, and the unwavering support of our school community. 
Elisa MacGabhann

Wednesday 31 January 2024

Leinster Swimming Gala

Last week, The High School swimmers participated in the Leinster Swimming Gala in Athy.  Over twenty schools participated in the gala, with just under 200 swimmers competing.  The High School swimmers had a very successful competition indeed.  In total, there were fourteen medals awarded.  We should like to acknowledge the hard work, determination, and dedication that each of them put into preparing for this competition.  Congratulations to all who participated in this wonderful event.  Here is a breakdown of the medalists:

Niamh Mitchell - Senior

- Backstroke: Gold Medal

- 100m Freestyle: Silver Medal

- 50m Freestyle: Silver Medal

- 50m Butterfly: Bronze Medal

Daniel Collins - Senior

- 50m Breaststroke: Silver Medal

- 100m Breaststroke: Bronze Medal

Lucy Micks  - Junior

- 50m Freestyle: Silver Medal

- 100m Freestyle: Bronze Medal

- 100m Backstroke: Gold Medal

 Erin Flashman - Junior

- 50 m Butterfly – Gold medal

- 100 m freestyle – silver medal

Chloe McCready - Junior

– 50 m freestyle – bronze medal

– 50 m breast stroke – gold medal

– 50 m butterfly – silver medal

Form 1 Hockey Win

Today, the Form 1 Hockey team emerged victorious with an impressive 6-1 win against Wesley College.  Despite the challenging windy conditions, our talented players showcased their skills and determination on the field.  The match was filled with excitement as our team dominated the game from start to finish.  Their relentless efforts paid off as they scored six goals, leaving their opponents trailing behind with only one goal to their name.  It was a remarkable display of teamwork that led to this resounding victory.  Well done!